
a passionate hobby CTF player from Switzerland

HTB Business CTF 2021 - Compromise


We are certain that our internal network has been breached and the attacker tries to move laterally. We managed to capture some suspicious traffic and create a memory dump from a compromised server. I hope you are skilled enough to bring this incident to its end.

Available Data:

  • capture.pcap (network capture of SSH traffic)
  • dump.mem (memory dump of a suspicious system)
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Blackalps 2019 - Alps

This challenge is about steganography. The goal is to extract the flag from an image. However, the flag is hidden in a Javascript, which is part of a hidden PDF that first needs to be extracted from the image.

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Blackalps 2019 - Storm Area51

This writeup is about one out of two forensic challenges from the Blackalps 2019 CTF. It is about memory analysis and identifying certain processes and files in order to extract them. A password protected PDF requires the cracking of a KeePass database. The szenario is based on the Area51 Raid which happened on September 20, 2019.

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I want to welcome you on this blog. The goal of this blog is to mainly publish writeups of CTFs and other hacking challenges. I hope you will enjoy the writeups and learn from it.

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